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Foxix Says de onde retirei o artigo seguinte:
Dogville is a movie about human morals (as invented by the movie's character Thomas Edison and opposed to the will of a dog) and how the arrogant act of forgiveness doesn't allow a person to account for their actions.
The entire movie is shot on a sound stage with a sparse amount of set design. At first, I thought this would change... That it was just a segue, but no, that is how the movie is. I think this limits our concentration to the actors and the dialogue (not to mention the budget) even if they seem less then real at times. The movie is told in a Prologue and Nine Chapters. While some of this seems to carry on far past its novelty, the end certainly pays off.
Written and directed by Lars Von Trier, this movie was criticized for having an anti-American statement. I completely disagree. I think this movie fits into the footnotes of American mobster flicks. However more idiosyncratic, it essentially is the story of... The making of a mob boss. For this I really liked the film! I didn't see it coming and I rarely get 'had' by a movie.
This is the first film by Lars Von Trier I've seen, as I have yet to rent Dancer in the Dark (I hate Bjork)."
Para quem não viu o filme, recomendo vivamente!